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Protecting Your Home In Burnsville With Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

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At WishnWash Services, we know you’ve been diligent about cleaning the lint trap after using your clothes dryer each time, but you still need regular dryer vent cleaning. Although we’re known as Burnsville’s most trusted pressure washing company, cleaning, in general, is what we do, including dryer vents. We want to be there for our customers by offering the services that matter the most.

If you notice your dryer seems to be underperforming, you may be surprised to find out why. It doesn’t take much time for debris to accumulate and cause your clothing dryer to have trouble performing the way it’s supposed to.

Of course, even more vital than the ability of your dryer to perform is to make sure your home is safe. Fires can start as a result of not having regular dryer vent cleaning, and the safety and well-being of your family should always be priority number one.

(828) 800-8004
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Enhancing Dryer Performance & Removing Fire Hazards

Ultimately, the goal of professional dryer vent cleaning is to create optimal airflow. It’s different from a job like house cleaning where the perceived benefit is better visual aesthetics – no one cares what the inside of your dryer vent looks like. However, as with house washing, the real goal is about protecting against damages by removing potentially hazardous substances.

At WishnWash Services, we can’t stress enough the importance of routine cleaning for dryer vents. It’s a service that could potentially save lives and your home.

Our service for dryer vents includes:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Airflow Measurements
  • Debris Removal

Our cleaning and removal services make sure your dryer and the vent are ready for another year of peak performance. We eradicate the clogs, debris, and even pathogens that are commonly found in dryer vent lines. Call today to schedule your service appointment.

Health & Safety Concerns

Cleaning vents reduces the debris that impacts your home and the people who live there. Some of the top benefits of professional cleaning for dryer vents are:

  • Less debris to trigger asthma attacks
  • Fewer irritants that cause allergy attacks
  • Reduce presence of airborne germs and bacteria
  • Less chance for a fire hazard

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(828) 800-8004
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